Partnering in Prayer

This is a place to ask for prayers – for yourself or others – and also a place to respond to others’ requests for prayers.
It is a meaningful experience when you both share your own needs and are present to the needs of others.

Ask for Prayer

Name: If you wish to remain anonymous, don’t use your real name.
Email: You must enter a valid email address. This will not be published.
Prayer Request: Provide one or two sentences about your request. Keep it brief and to the point (e.g., My dad is having heart surgery tomorrow. Please pray for his full recovery.)
Submit: When you have completed the fields, click on the submit botton to post your prayer request to the board.


Offer Prayers

Prayerfully consider which requests you wish to pray for.
When you have decided, click the “Pray” button beside the request.
The person who requested prayer will receive a notification that someone is praying for them. (Your name will not be shared.)
Do this as often as you wish. New requests will be posted so please visit often.


  • My friend has been struggling for the past 8 months with mobility issues that continue to worsen, and although she has seen many doctors and had numerous tests, there seems to be no diagnosis in sight, apart from one doctor who has indicated that he believes the issues are pschosomatic (she is bipolar, but has managed this condition very well for the past 20 years). My friend is trying to come to terms with this diagnosis as a possibility, but in the meantime, she continues to lose mobility and now must use a scooter to get around and can stand for only a few minutes at a time. All this exacerbates her bipolar condition, particularly depression. Please pray that she can find the answers she needs and to accept the diagnosis, whatever it may prove to be.
  • Thank you so much for your continued prayers. Waiting on results of blood work and colonoscopy and scope. Gastro Dr did think that colonoscopy and scope will be good even though he did a few biopsies. Tomorrow(Thursday) at 1:45= having the cat scan done for that nodule on my liver at St Mike’s. Praying that all is well. Thank you again. God bless each of you
  • One of Al's sisters (one of my sisters-in-law) has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Please pray for the best possible outcome in the next phase of her life's journey. With much appreciation for your prayers.
  • Please pray for Us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills and Everyday Living Expenses Also We rely on the Food Bank to Feed our Family Thank-you
  • I would appreciate prayers for my grandson (4 months) who is undergoing medical investigation.

    Many thanks,
  • Could you please pray for our family. We are going through a lot and it is overwhelming. I recently had blood work and an ultrasound done. The blood work was good but there is a benign appearing nodule on my liver. My gastroenterologist has ordered my extensive blood work and because I can’t have an mri he wants me to have a cat scan. He said he is not worried about the ultrasound but still wants to do these other things. I am going on Monday for the blood work and then on April 30th I am having
    a colonoscopy and scope. Not sure when the cat scan will be. Very anxious about all of this with occasional panic attacks. Going for heart tests early June. Just feels like too much all at once mixed with uncertainty. Can you please pray that all will be ok and that I can feel more peaceful. Thank you.
    Robyn is battling sadness and loneliness due to a very nasty bullying incident . Frank is ipain and will be having a tiny procedure on leg and our dog has a little gastro issue
  • Good Day,

    My brother-in-law is undergoing open heart surgery today - please keep him in your prayers for a successful surgery, smooth recovery and strength to get through the coming weeks.

    Warm Regards,
  • A long time friend from our food bank has asked for the Church's prayer for his friend Michelle who is desperately ill, and has now fallen. Please pray for Jesus' healing hands to be on Michelle.
  • Please pray for Nancy, Paige and Derek and their families because Nancy's husband, Rob died March 7 after a 6 week battle with cancer.
  • Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy - in remission 18 months from stage 4 gastric cancer - we fear it has returned. I love her & can't go on without her. Your continuing / ongoing prayers are needed. WE NEED A MIRACLE ! Lord hear our prayer.
  • A long time friend of mine- Angela is having open heart surgery tomorrow at Toronto General. Please pray for guidance of the surgeons and staff and peace knowledge that God is with her. Thank you one and All.
