We seek to be a congregation committed to radical hospitality — connecting not only with those like ourselves, but recognizing and acknowledging the humanity of anyone in our midst.

Contact: Isla Grady – isla.grady@sympatico.ca

we are with you

In a church that practices radical hospitality, we naturally welcome people to join our community. But more importantly it goes beyond this to say, “Whoever you are, wherever you are, we see you. What can we do to join and be with you?”

committed to justice

Beyond welcoming, our Hospitality Ministry is also committed to justice. We support and work in partnership with many different people and different groups who share our building and our neighbourhood.

Within radical hospitality we work to include people within our community as they are, without an expectation that they will do things as we do. Sometimes we are called on to change our own communities to be more hospitable to those who we welcome. 

our work

We believe that Christian hospitality is a crucial aspect of church life and ministry. From Sunday morning Coffee Hour and soup lunches to elegant, multi-course banquets, from parties to funerals, from marginalized neighbours to congregational milestones – our Hospitality Ministry is there to nourish the community with warmth, sustenance and welcome, both physically and spiritually. We welcome anyone who would like to help with meal planning, food buying and preparation and food serving.