Mission and Service is the unique way through which United Church people and others direct their gifts to support the wider mission of the church in Canada and overseas.

Contact: Carole Bennett – carolebennett@sympatico.ca

The way we witness to God’s love

Mission and Service is the way we as a United Church witness to God’s love, whether it is with overseas partners, in Canadian outreach, in hospital or university chaplaincies, in supporting small congregations, or in assisting new ministers.

Being God’s presence in the world

Mission and Service represents our collective way to be God’s presence in the world — to be the church, to love and serve, to seek justice, to live with respect in creation. It gives us a collective voice in advocating change, justice, and peace, whether through the Canadian government or in work with our ecumenical partners.

Participating together to be the church

Mission and Service ensures that we are participating together in all of this work and more. And every dollar given goes to support mission. All administrative costs are covered through revenue from investment income.