The most important time of our week is Sunday worship services. This is when we all come together to put God first through singing, praying and hearing God`s story.


Toddler ministry offers a warm and welcoming space for our youngest members to have fun and make friends. Each week there are volunteers The Toddler Ministry space is filled with fun toys and activities as well as a paging system should your child need you during the service. We encourage parents to come and visit the program to observe, ask questions and share your ideas.



Children engage in their own worship through Godly Play. This is our time as a community to remember who we are and whose we are so that we can go and be disciples in the world. Godly Play helps children come closer to God as they experience God’s story on their own terms.

family friendly area

Should you be more comfortable keeping your children with you in the Sanctuary during service, there is a family space where children and parents can stay in the service together – there are craft supplies, storybooks, a rocking chair and comfortable seating available. At Islington United all ages are welcome in worship and every voice is valued.

Inter-generational worship

During intergenerational worship services, all ages are included in leading and participating in the service. People of every age are considered equally important and this is an opportunity for us to all worship together in the same space. Intergenerational worship services take place several times a year.


Worship activity bags are made available for young people to use during the service. If you are more comfortable keeping your children with you during the service, please ask one of the ushers for a worship activity bag. These bags contain crayons, stickers, colouring books, activity books, and sketch books. At the end of the service, please leave the bag at the end of your pew or in the family friendly area to be used another time.