We understand that different people need different ways to explore and develop their spirituality. That is why we offer different types of services and spiritual experiences to meet the needs of everyone regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.

Bible Study

As followers of Jesus, we share a common story. The wisdom of the Bible is foundational to our faith journey. We invite you to join our bible study groups that meet each week.

Bible Study Groups:

Join us, weekly in Worship and at Bible Study, Tuesdays at 11:00 am and Thursdays at 10:00 am on Zoom. The Bible Study will follow each bible reading and book pages from the Sunday before.

More information

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 7253 9827
Passcode: 297822



Meditation offers an opportunity to reduce stress, grow in self-knowledge, and come closer to God. We offer a drop-in guided group meditation weekly where all are welcome and no experience is required. Our focus is on breath-centered meditation, inviting our bodies to relax while remaining alert. We also incorporate body scanning and usually finish with gratitude meditation. Join us in person in The Chapel Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Online Meditation is also available every Wednesday at 5:oo pm on Zoom.

More information: https://islingtonunited.org/online-meditation/

Contact: James Aitchison – james@islingtonunited.org

Interfaith Circle

Interfaith Circle seeks to build relationships of respect and trust by learning more about each other. We are demonstrating our commitment to interfaith solidarity in creative and compassionate ways that lead to peace and justice in our communities. We build partnerships, organize and offer a lecture series, share in meals, have conversations, support interfaith worship, participate in interfaith festivals, create art projects and co-sponsor youth activities.

Contact: Contact: Carol Wilson – cwilson@yorku.ca or Barbara Sheffield – b.sheffield@rogers.com

Week of Guided Prayer

Week of Guided Prayer is “a retreat in the city.” Each participant is paired with a trained faith companion for an opportunity to undertake an intentional program of daily prayer for one week.

Contact: Dale Kucharczyk – dkucharczyk@rogers.com

Lenten Study

Join other seekers to find new meaning during Lent, the season of contemplation and preparation. We meet in-person once a week on Wednesdays during the 40-day season of Lent.

Contact: Church Office – office@islingtonunited.org

Blue CHristmas

Blue Christmas is a special in-person worship service held on the second Wednesday of December at 7:00 pm. It is created especially for those who find Christmas difficult and all are warmly welcomed to attend.

Contact: Church Office – office@islingtonunited.org

labyrinth walks

A labyrinth walk lets you discover the spiritual dynamics at work in your life by learning about and walking the sacred path of the labyrinth – an age-old spiritual practice. Labyrinth walks are held indoors at various times throughout the year and are listed on our events calendar.

Contact: Dale Kucharczyk – dkucharczyk@rogers.com