Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry that provides high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are experiencing tough times.

Stephen Ministers are congregational members who have received 50 hours of special training over a six-month course held at Islington United Church.

A Stephen Minister usually provides care for one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour.

Contact: Rev. Maya Landell – 416-239-1131 Ext. 223 or

prayer shawls

The Prayer Shawl Ministry was founded in 1998 by Janet Severi Bristow and Victoria Galo. They came up with the idea to bring together a love of knitting and crochet with the desire to reach out to those in need of comfort as well as joy. Shawls can be given as a comfort during times of struggle or stress, during an illness or recovery, and at a time of bereavement. They can also be shared to mark a joyous occasion, such as a marriage, birth, graduation or other significant milestone.

Contact: Gayle Little – 905-990-3439 or


Our Pastoral Care team makes personal visits to anyone in need, regardless of age or circumstance. Visits and calls can be made to residence, home or hospital.

If you would like to request a Pastoral Care visit from our ministry team, contact the Church Office at 416-239-1131 or


Caring Friends assist those experiencing illness, recovering from an operation or accident or having a difficult time by providing meals and transportation.

Contact: Jo Cook –

life after loss

A five-week education and support program to help you move through grief with greater awareness, hope and health. The program is led by by Rev. Deborah Hart who has 25 years of grief facilitation experience.

The 2020 program runs from 7 to 9 pm on April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 25 at Islington United Church.

The registration cost is $25 for congregants of sponsoring churches (Islington, Humber Valley, Royal York Road, Runnymede) and $75 for others.

For more information or to register: 416-239-1131 or

blue christmas

Blue Christmas is a special worship service held on the second Wednesday of December at 7:00 pm. It is created especially for those who find Christmas difficult and all are warmly welcomed to attend.

Contact: Church Office –