Church Council represents and reports to the congregation of Islington United Church.

Church Council

The mandate of Church Council is to oversee the spiritual and development work of Islington United Church to carry out God’s mission in the world — balancing interests, selecting priorities, and seeing all activities as contributing to the whole. With reflection and prayer, this includes developing long-range strategic plans, annual goals and plans; budgeting responsibly for the financial health of the church, and communicating clearly and often with the congregation.


Council meets monthly—generally on the third Wednesday evening of the month. Church Council meetings are open to the congregation, and any member of the congregation can ask to bring business before the Council by making a request to the Chair of Council.  If you wish to attend a Council meeting, you must notify the Chair of Council in advance.  This is because there are sometimes matters on the agenda (e.g., matters related to members of the staff) that must be discussed in confidence. 

We publish the minutes for our Council meeting in PDF format for the members of our congregation.


Peggy Sheffield, Chair

Vice-Chair – vacant

David Allen, Chair, Ministry & Personnel Committee

Carole Bennett, Past Chair

Secretary, Islington United Church – vacant

Isla Grady, Chair, Hospitality Committee and United Church Women Representative

Jack Grady, Chair, Pastoral Care Committee

John Leavitt, Treasurer, Islington United Church

Peggy Sheffield, Chair, Communications Committee

Janet Wells, Chair, Facilities Committee

Jill Stewart, Board of Trustees

Sandra Tully, Chair, Faith Formation Committee

Steve Tower, Past Vice-Chair and current Chair, Strategic Direction

Catherine McPherson, Chair, Worship & Music Committee

Carol Wilson, Chair, Social Justice & Outreach Committee

Board of trustees

It is the responsibility of the trustees to hold and administer all property of the congregation for the use and benefit of the congregation as part of The United Church of Canada.  The trustees invest and administer special purpose funds on behalf of the congregation (e.g., Memorial Fund).  They also invest the funds of specific ministries and programs that are under the direction of others (e.g., Mabelle Food Program, Refugee Support Ministry). The Board of Trustees works closely with Church Council and the Facilities Committee to maintain and protect the church building for the long-term as we carry out God’s mission in the world.

The chair of the Board of Trustees is Rev. Maya Landell. 

Contact: Rev. Maya Landell –


The Communications Team develops and implements a wide range of communications vehicles to inform current members, and attract new members to the church. The Communications Team maintains our Church website and designs all of our print and digital communications, including worship services, posters, tickets, announcements, programs and eblasts. 

The current chair of this committee is Peggy Sheffield. 

Contact: Peggy Sheffield –


The Facilities team oversees the maintenance, care and security of our building, liaising with the custodial and property management staff of the church.  When major repairs and renovation are required, they request and evaluate quotations for the work and choose the companies to do the repairs or construction.

They meet with and support teams within the church who require changes or upgrades to the building. They ensure safe working conditions for the custodial team.

The current chair of this committee is Janet Wells. 

Contact: Janet Wells –

faith formation

The Faith Formation Committee identifies and responds to the needs for spiritual growth in the congregation for all ages and stages of life. The group provides focus and guidance for programs to encourage our faith community to discover, explore and develop our spirituality in Christ’s name. Working closely with staff, the committee provides support for the learning programs and the Church Library.

The current chair of this committee is Sandra Tully. 

Contact: Sandra Tully –


The Treasurer’s mandate is to prepare the annual budget with the aid of the other committee leaders and to ensure that the financial health of the Church is sustainable. The Treasurer presents the audited/reviewed Financial Statements with comments at the Annual Meeting and works directly with the bookkeeper, Church staff and committees, financial auditors and other external service providers, as required.

The Treasurer ensures that the financial information provided each month is correct and current and publishes a summary in the Sunday bulletin to keep the congregation updated. The Treasurer is assisted by the Finance Committee whose members provide analysis and administration, complete ad hoc projects, and provide valuable advice and expertise. The current treasurer is John Leavitt.  Contact John if you have any comments or questions about the financial information provided in the bulletins, or questions about how to go on PAR (Pre-authorized Remittance).

Contact: John Leavitt –


Hospitality is one of the core values at Islington. We understand that welcoming a stranger, showing hospitality, isn’t just a nice thing to do if we can. It’s the very embodiment of our faith. Offering food and shelter to strangers, as well as friends, remains a vital way of recognizing the equal value and dignity of all persons. 

Our team is committed to providing food and fellowship in support of all our ministries. Further, we share this value of hospitality with many faith groups in our community, and our work together means we share resources with other programs in our community and beyond. 

When we share a meal together, our conversation changes. We celebrate joys, we share times of struggle. Over a meal we encourage each other, we help problem solve, we listen. The time together provides an opportunity to move from feeling lonely and lost to finding hope and help. At Islington, our Hospitality Ministry’s message is come in and be safe, no matter who you are or what your circumstances.

The current chair of this committee is Isla Grady.

Contact: Isla Grady –

ministry and personnel

The Ministry and Personnel Committee (known primarily as M&P) is a consultative and support team for the Church staff, as well as a liaison between the staff and members of the congregation. The committee provides the staff with annual performance reviews, ensures appropriate working conditions and reviews requests for continuing education opportunities.

This team is also a liaison with various departments and working groups at the United Church of Canada’s regional and national offices.

The current chair of this committee is David Allen.

Contact: David Allen –

pastoral care

The Pastoral Care Committee directs and oversees the many programs coming under the ‘umbrella’ of pastoral care.  The programs provide care and compassion to those in need, extending nurture and comfort in times of sorrow and celebration. Training and preparing members of the congregation to participate and provide pastoral care is part of several programs.

Pastoral Care programs include Stephen Ministry, Week of Guided Prayer, Life after Loss grief program, Islington Sings, Caring Friends, among several others.

The current chair of this committee is Jack Grady.  

Contact:  Jack Grady –

worship and Music

The Worship and Music Committee’s mandate is to develop and support meaningful forms of worship, with the inclusion of music as an expression of worship.  This is a dedicated group of ‘leaders and doers’ who reflect, discuss, challenge, and support many aspects of our wonderful and varied worship services and worship-related events.

Our Worship and Music Committee includes the ministers, all the worship group leaders (Readers’ Guild, Communion Committee, Ushers, Greeters, Music), and some representatives of the congregation, ideally including a youth representative.

The current chair of this committee is Catherine McPherson.

Contact: Catherine McPherson –