We, at Islington United Church, are an Affirming congregation of the United Church of Canada. We are committed to including everyone: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirited persons and others (2SLGBTQ+); those who are marginalized for any reason, including race or age; economically disadvantaged; developmentally or physically challenged.

We stand in solidarity with Black and Indigenous communities and all people of colour in our community, our country and throughout the world. We acknowledge that racial injustice is pervasive throughout society. We oppose all forms of racism and racialized violence.


We at Islington United are looking at the world and looking within as we explore what it means to live actively anti-racist lives. The example of Jesus calls us to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, to make space for marginalized voices and to listen with open hearts as we recognize the extent of systemic racism in our city, country and world.


As a multicultural community (and yet largely white), we know we have much to learn, and no shortage of privilege to explore and share. We are making space for difficult conversations, acknowledging uncomfortable realities, and equipping people to take the step from recognition of systemic inequity toward active support, through advocacy, protest and donation.


Through our weekly worship, online workshops and individual conversations, we are trying to address and eradicate racism, one day at a time. Please explore some of our offerings and links to various resources.


See resources and other information on anti-racism at the web page of our Anti-Racism Working Group.

RESOURCES: indigenous justice

Prayer, Action and Community (United Church of Canada)

Indigenous Rights (KAIROS Canada)

Indigenous Justice: Being Good Relations (United Church of Canada)

RESOURCES: gender & sexuality