In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us and we are not alone . . .

Contact: Scott Robertson, Ministry Coordinator – 416-239-1131 Ext. 230 or

a sacred time

Funerals are a time when we remember, grieve, laugh and cry, comfort one another in our sorrow, say goodbye and find ways to carry that person’s light and legacy into the future. Funerals are a  sacred time and an important time to gather as community, light a candle in honour of your loved one, share stories, hear words of hope and faith, and receive a blessing.

A space to be honoured

At Islington United Church we make space for people to be honoured and their life to be celebrated after they die. We are committed to ensuring the service honours the loved one’s wishes, uses language and readings that are connected to the person who died, and sets those present at ease.

Music is a key component of the funeral service. The ministerial team weaves into this time of remembrance appropriate music of all varieties, chosen together with the family. Additional soloists or instrumentalists are available upon request.

an act of service

Islington United Church provides funeral receptions as an act of Christian service and hospitality; they are funded through contributions received from a loved one’s family at the time of the service or shortly after.