Sunday Worship Service - January 8, 2023 at 10:30 am


We continue our journey into Alphabet of Faith by Sara Jewell today, Sunday, January 8, with L Is for Liminal Space. Please join us at 10:30 am for worship, either in person in the Sanctuary or online.

Poet William Blake wrote, “In the universe, there are things that are known and things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors”. As we pick back up with Alphabet of Faith, author Sara Jewell reminds us that “At the beginning of a new year we stand on a threshold, waiting and wondering – we are in liminal space. A space between then and now.” We all find ourselves on thresholds in life, a thin place, a liminal space, a sacred space. Join us today at 10:30 am to explore this together with leadership and preacher, James Aitchison, liturgist Catherine Mcpherson, our staff singers, and Dr. John Derksen.

PS. Alphabet of Faith books are still available in the office.

Rev. Maya

In Person

You may sit anywhere you wish without restrictions. When attending worship during this busy season, we encourage you to wear a mask. As a community of caring, we wear a mask to protect others who may be more vulnerable than ourselves.

Consider keeping a mask handy when you engage in conversation with someone else. If you’re feeling unwell, we encourage you to please care for yourself at home and join us online.

If you want to wear a mask and forgot to bring yours, we will have masks available at the entrances to the Sanctuary.


If you choose not to or unable to attend in person, we are very happy to have you join us online. Simply click on the white arrow below at 10:30 am on Sunday morning, or anytime after.

Did you miss last Sunday’s service? Would you like to have another listen or share with a friend? Simply click on the buttons below to view a recording of the service or listen to any previous sermons.

Can’t see the video? Watch on YouTube:

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