Week of Guided Prayer

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Challenge and Courage: Day 2

Esther 4:6-17 … for such a time as this

Daniel 6:10-18 … Daniel praying and seeking

Matthew 15:21-28 … great is your faith

Ephesians 6:10-20 … put on the whole armour of God

Again and again I am drawn to the story of the Canaanite mother. She faced so many challenges in approaching Jesus. Socially, she was property of her nearest male relative and had no rights. She was forbidden to approach or be seen with an unrelated man in public. Religious law forbade Gentiles and Jews from socializing together. As a person, I imagine she was terrified.

As a mother, she would not be bound by how society or religion saw her. Despite her own fears or doubts, she summoned up her courage and approached Jesus – a Jewish stranger – trusting that her daughter could be healed. When the disciples urged Jesus to dismiss her, she would not give up. Even when Jesus was less than charitable with his responses, her love for her child would not let her back down.

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but courage is pressing on in spite of your fear.” I remember the “aha” moment I experienced hearing this for the first time. Nelson Mandella, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill – countless well-known people have used similar words to remind us that courage is what lets us face a seemingly insurmountable challenge and move forward despite our fears or doubts.

I have no doubt the Canaanite mother, Esther and Daniel had fears and doubts, but as people of faith, they trusted God was with them as they faced their challenges. Paul urges us to clothe ourselves in faith – the whole armour of God, so we have the courage to face the challenges of our lives. May it be so.  H. Leffler

For Reflection and Journaling

  1. When have I taken on something new despite my fears and doubts?

  2. What gives me courage to face challenges in my life?

Meditative Prayer

Faithful God, thank you for the stories of courageous people
who remind us that whatever is happening in our lives your Spirit is with us.

Help us have faith and courage in the challenging times of our lives. Amen.

Source: Guided Prayer Network, Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council, The United Church of Canada, 2023.

Graphics: liannamation.com